A Simple SEO Trick For All Bloggers

I discovered ages ago a way of increasing my Alexa ranking and I’ve decided to pass this information onto anyone lucky enough to read this post, but first I want to tell you a little about what Alexa ranking really is. Where Google Page Rank is a way of monitoring the amount of back links to your site where 0 is the worst and 10 is the best ranking, Alexa records your sites traffic. With the Alexa ranking, the lower you’re number the more heavily your site is visited.

As a paid blogger it is important to get a good Alexa ranking as it is one of the methods used to determine whether your blog is suited to take the higher paid tasks. The way to increase your Alexa ranking is to install the Alexa Toolbar! It is via the toolbar that Alexa is able to monitor how many hits each website or blog gets as it tracks every user who has a toolbar installed. The information they collect is anonymous so they don’t know who visits which blog, they only know a visit has taken place. That means that even your visits are recorded.

I stopped using Windows Internet Explorer when I switched to Firefox and I couldn’t work out why my Alexa Ranking was increasing. As an experiment I started to use it again and my ranking got heaps better again and I realized it must be because I had the Alexa Toolbar installed, so believe me it works.

Once you have installed the toolbar you will notice this icon on the immediate left

BogSire Blogging The Money Way

and by clicking on the icon you will be taken to this blog, so in essence you can visit this blog for updates at the click of the mouse. It will also show you the Alexa Ranking of every site you visit including yours so that you can actually see over time the improvement in your site’s ranking. It’s also got other little things that come in handy like pop up blockers.

So if you haven’t done so yet I recommend installing this toolbar.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Huttriver

    Have checked it out. Thanks.

  2. Sire

    Let me know how it goes over the coming weeks.

  3. babygee

    thanks for the tips! :love:
    i’ll give it a try! but, it wont be good for me. i just started the blog.
    feel free to drop by.
    thanks! :toast:

  4. Sire

    Sure it will be good for you. Every little bit helps you know. 🙂

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