All I Wanted Was More Muscle Mass


I remember in my body building days how I managed to build a fair bit of muscle mass but I couldn’t get as big as I had wanted to. Maybe I should have considered taking some sort of testosterone boosters, but the idea of drugs never appealed to me.

It’s been many years since those days and I have been considering taking up body building again and I am just wondering if perhaps there are natural muscle building products now available to those who like myself are not interested in taking drugs to achieve muscle mass.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Music Site


    Well, I have good ideas for you, try only protien powders, eat some chocolate before and after you go to GYM, you can drink some natural juice, and the most important of all is that when you do any excersize then don’t think of anything but only how to finish this excersize and keep all your mind thinking of that muscle during the excersize,

    2 months and you will see a big result, you will feel the difference,


  2. Sire

    Thanks for the tips, but I’m not sure how the chocolate fits in. ;))

  3. Music Site

    They give you energy, well I don’t mean that kind of energy ( :love: ) but I mean energy to work out!

  4. Sire

    That makes sense, man what a way to get the extra energy. Thanks again ^:)^

  5. Music Site

    you really have sense of humore, you are funny, I remember that I kept eating chocolate until I couldn’t sleep at night, they have lots of some material that don’t let you sleep but if you use them right then they will be helpful of building your muscles, I just hope you will not be a big guy and then you may step on our heads!
    Good luck, lol.

  6. Sire

    I would never do that.

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