Earn More Than Ever With PayPerPost

From now on you will probably see the following button on the end of a majority of my posts:

This is PayPerPost’s new “Review My Post program!” By putting this button at the end of every post on all my blogs I can invite new people to review my blog posts! When someone clicks on this button they will be taken to PayPerPost’s sign up page. In this way a special opportunity is created JUST FOR THEM! The $7.50 opportunity asks them to write a post in their blog reviewing the post on my blog.Not only will I earn money but there is also the possibility that hundreds of links will point to my blogs. As soon as the new Postie gets paid for reviewing my blog you I get paid $7.50!So do us both a favour and click on the button now.

If there are any reason why you wouldn’t like to join PayPerPost, I would be really interested. Don’t forget you get paid for doing the post.You may also notice in the right column that I now am an afilliate for them. As a member you can be one as well, and your earning potential will certainly increase.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. wilderr67

    You have a great blog going here, I really like the idea of the get paid to post and the affiliate program. I will defiently be joining up this weekend.

  2. sire

    I wish you all the best with your new venture. May we all make some extra cash in this blogging world of ours. :clap_tb:

  3. thepromptwriter

    Hi honey,

    Totally cool. I might just have to look a little closer into this. I was about to give up on the whole blogging thing, but this looks interesting.


  4. sire

    Hey, Christine, don’t give up. it can be done, I am living proof, and if I can do it anyone can.

  5. Raven Lee

    My only concern is giving an unknown site my social security number. Have you gotten any money from them?

  6. sire

    Nope, my months not up and they pay monthly, I will do a post on it as soon as it’s in. I didn’t have to give my social security number though, but that could be because I’m from Australia.

  7. mulder8scully5

    hello! I’m really interested to join payperpost but I could not. hehhe.. It only pays through paypal which our country does not have. 🙁

  8. sire

    What country is that? Perhaps one day soon they will accept your country.

  9. Leslie

    Do you still do pay per post? I’m wondering how it worked out for you.

    Leslies last blog post..For today

  10. Sire

    Yes I do Leslie, but since Google killed my PR, I’m doing it smarter. I have started new blogs and am building up their PR but this time I will only take those ops that pay more and I will make sure that no advertising appears on the sites that lead to the fact that I do paid posts.

    Currently I still earn average $50 week and I am quite happy to do that for now.

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