Finger Print Activated Bump Proof Locks.


Ever since I used to own a business I have always been security conscious, especially since the crime rate has risen dramatically in our area. So I made sure I had quality locks on doors and windows installed as well as an alarm system. The only problem is that these locks etc are now over twenty years old. Normally this wouldn’t bother me until I came across this damn video. The video shows an eleven-year-old girl with no lock picking skills whatsoever use a Bump key to open a lock in less than a minute.

I shouldn’t really call it a damn video because now it has made me realize that my family home may no longer be considered secure. It’s all because of a $5 Bump key which is readily available on the Internet. This means that any 11 year old, armed with a Bump key can now invade the privacy of my home. This is absolute crap and I will not stand for it. It is now necessary for me to upgrade my locks.

Bump Proof Locks

The thing is it is not all bad and actually has it’s up side because with the new locks available I can now get a bump key proof lock that does not require a key. All I need is my fingerprint and there is no way I can misplace those. How good is that?