Hey Man It’s All About HIPS.


No I am not talking about some new fan dangle weight loss program. HIPS stands for Home Information Packs These packs are beneficial for both the buyer and the seller of homes. They will have all the relevant information that a buyer needs and will hopefully curtail the the amount of sales that breakdown due to lack of information.The packs will contain the following information;1. Sales Statement – Detailing the conditions of sale agreed.
2. Evidence of Ownership
3. Energy Performance Certificates – Giving each home a rating of between A and G based upon the homes energy efficiency and include advice to make the home more efficient.
4. Guarantees and Warranties – If the property is new.
5. Searches and other legal documents.

You can see how this information will male the selection process a lot simpler for prospective buyers. A great idea for all involved.

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