How PostieCon 07 Can Turn You Into A Rock Star.


Yep, that’s what they reckon, the PostieCon 07 blogging conference is all about turning us bloggers into rock stars. Not the sex drug rock and roll rock stars, but stars never the less. Come on, you guys must know how important bloggers are in regards to getting information out to everyone on the net. There are literally millions of dedicated blogger fans that log on everyday just to see what is new on the blogosphere.

Our importance is supported by the fact that so many companies out there like PPP are willing to pay us money to get the latest news and products out there where normal surfers can see it. So in a sense we are already stars but PostieCon 07 can go one better and turn us into Rock Stars.

PostieCon 07 is literally a mass get together of bloggers from all over the world. Their theme for this year is “You’re A Rock Star” because this gathering is to educate all bloggers on how to build traffic and readership. Now we all want that don’t we? It’s about helping us to become better bloggers and to achieve this they have invited some of the world’s biggest bloggers to share their knowledge with us. So they are going to provide us with the tools to make us Rock Stars of the blogging world. Now that is a damn good reason to attend.