In Search Of A Threaded Comments WordPress Plugin

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Whoever said that Murphy’s Law doesn’t exist has never changed blog themes before. Like everything else, when it comes to things going wrong, you can bet your ass that Murphy is going to stuff things up for you. In my case it was the threaded comments or what is sometimes called nested comments. For some reason the one I was using would cause an “Internal Error” every time someone would use it, and so the search began for a new plugin. There was no way I was going to give up on what someone commented was a HOT theme.

I found Yet Another Threaded Comment or YATCP but that wouldn’t work either. AJAXed had one included in their pretty comprehinsive package but unfortunately once again it would not work with this theme.

Finally I found the one that worked and it happened to be one that I used before called Brian’s Threaded Comments but there was an issue in that it did not work in well with the dark background of my theme. As I know stuff all about .php I thought it best to ask for assistance but unfortunately I couldn’t find anything so I gave it a wild bash. One thing to remember when playing with any files is to always make a backup in case you screw something up. As it was I managed to get it working.

The only other problem I had was when I happened to check the blog out using Internet Explorer (IE) as I normally use FireFox, and I noticed everything wasn’t displaying well at all. This was a disaster as so many people still use IE and meant picking another theme unless I could resolve the problem. Fortunately the helpful members at Aussie Bloggers Forum were able to help me out and so I can now keep this them.

Zemanta Pixie