It Would Be Great To Go To Wimbledon

The Championships, WimbledonImage via Wikipedia
I can feel the excitement mount in the tennis world as Wimbledon gets ever closer. It happens every year, the increase in ads on the TV, articles in the paper, people on the talk back shows and the general conversation of people on their way to work. And why wouldn’t they be excited when you consider the fact that many people consider Wimbledon to be the most prestigious tennis championship in the world. Perhaps its because it is the oldest major championship in tennis, I don’t know but the hype is definitely there when Wimbledon comes around, both amongst the spectators and the players.

I would love to go and I will make sure that when I do I won’t be getting my tickets from scalpers hanging around the front, that is for sure. I’m going to play it safe and get Wimbledon debenture tickets from a qualified and reputable seller.

I doubt that I will be able to see all five main events, I simply couldn’t afford it, so I would have to decide which ones to go to. The guys provide more action so the men’s singles is a possibility but the women are pretty hot so maybe I should see the women’s singles. Then again, there is always the mixed doubles which I fond highly entertaining and I could possibly get the best of both if I were to go to that. So many decisions and so little time. I better pull my finger out, make up my mind and book some bloody tickets.

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