Mortgages One Of The Best Investments


I still remember my first ever mortgage, although it was quite scary at the time, it was a big step for a young bloke to take, it was definitely the best move I’ve ever made. I am now well on my way to owning my own home. If it wasn’t for the fact that I took that first major step I would now be throwing away all my hard earned cash to landlord.The interest you end up paying on your loan is never lost as your home is always going up in value and it’s always better to own your own that rent someone else’s. Even if you are worried about taking meeting repayments, you can always take out mortgage protection insurance to make sure you are completely covered in case of accidents and stuff. One thing everyone should consider is that even if you are currently paying off a mortgage you can actually remortgage your home by shopping for a better deal and save yourself heaps of money.

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