My Daughter’s Dog Zak

Just the other day I was mowing the lawn which was a bit of a chore because it was still wet from the rain, but I had to do it as the clippings were going to be picked up the following day. Zak my daughters dog decided it would be fun to roll in the wet grass and seemed to have a wow of a time. Little did he know that he was pretty well changing his overall appearance. This is what he looked like before he saw his reflection in the window.


This is what he looked like after he saw his reflection in the window.


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Christine

    OMG, he’s so cute. Green face and all. LOL

  2. Sire

    Yeah, my daughter knows how to pick them, that’s for sure.

  3. Pussy Willow

    LOL, Sire! This is adorable! I had no idea the cut grass would stain a dog’s coat. What a Hoot!

  4. Sire

    PW, I thought you would appreciate it.

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