Pussy’s Latest Blog!

No you’re absolutely right, cat’s can’t write and neither can that particular region of a woman’s anatomy, but all the same you will be impressed with The Willow Does Gary Oldman. You see it’s the blog of a mate of mine who goes by the name Pussy Willow and don’t be fooled it has nothing to do with porn.

After all that, what is Willow really doing with Gary Oldman? In her own words;

And just what is The Willow planning on doing to Gary Oldman? Why, talking, or rather writing, about his work, of course. And I hope that you will comment and give me your opinions about his work and about my opinions of his work.

Now do yourself a favor and leave a comment. You may even want to say Sire sent you. I wouldn’t hurt to stay on her good side. I hear pussy’s can get quite riled if you rub them the wrong way! =))

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Pussy Willow

    Well, this Pussy never gets riled with her Sire. She looooves him toooo much!

  2. Sire

    Thanks PW, ditto hun :love:

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