Qassia The Latest Revenue Earning Link Building Site.

I have just come across a new site for my lucky readers to join. It’s called Qassia and it will enable you to promote your blogs as well as earn you some extra income. As you know I only really push free programs because I figure you have nothing to lose so why not give it a go.

Have I ever led you astray? Clicking on this link will take you to my Qassia page and you can join by clicking on the “Sign Up” link under Sire’s profile. Better still, just sign up here.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Wordsmith

    Hmm… Since I don’t know you, I’m gonna take you on trust. Have you tried it, by the way?

  2. Sire

    As I said in the post, it is new and yes I am trying it at the moment which you would see for yourself if you would click on the link.

  3. cerebral palsy

    I dont get the Idea of it and how do you earn the money by doing what?
    I guess I’ll look in to it…

  4. Sire

    You earn real dollars because you will be allowed to enter your adsense code onto the page they give you and you get to keep any proceeds from the clicks. The qassia dollars earned are used to promote your sites.

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