Sire’s Review Or Batch Reviews?

I am an avid blog reviewer because I believe, in fact I know that it improves the Technorati rating and will in time also increase your Google PR. There is a difference in the review you get from different bloggers. There are bloggers that will actually review your blogs, I am amongst those, and then there are those that include you in what is becoming known as “batch reviews”.

A “batch review” is where a link to your blog is included with 10 or so other blogs and no actual review is given. This is naturally a lot easier than writing individual reviews and is still counted as a link as far as Technorati and the search engines is concerned but you are less likely to get a click from any visiting blogger, a one in 10 chance in fact.

I prefer individual reviews and I promise anyone interested in exchanging reviews that this is the only sort of review you can expect from this blogger.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Christine

    That’s such a nice thing to say…coming from a man. :tongue2_tb:

  2. Sire

    Yeah, I couldn’t help myself.

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