Australian Jokes

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I reckon it’s time for another joke because it’s been so long since the last one. Being an Aussie and all I thought I would tell a couple of Australian jokes. But before I do that I want to promote my latest YouTube video which just happens to be about a couple of funniest Aussie jokes.

If you liked that funny Aussie joke video I would really appreciate a thumbs up and so you don’t miss out on future videos you may want to subscribe to my YouTube channel My Bonzer Channel.

Now, onto my funny Australian jokes.

Funny Australian Jokes #1

The first one involves a builder.

Wally, the Aussie builder was going through a house he had just built for this woman. She was telling him what colour to paint each room. They went into the first room and she said: “I want this room to be painted a light blue.”

Wally goes to the front door and yells, “GREEN SIDE UP!”  When he went back into the house, she tells him that the next room was to be bright red. Wally goes to the front door again and yells “GREEN SIDE UP!”

When he returns, the woman said “I keep telling you what colours I want, but you keep going to the front yelling ‘green side up’. What’s all that about?” Wally simply says, “Don’t worry about that, I’ve just got a couple of Kiwis laying the turf out front.”

Yep, if there’s one thing Aussies and Kiwis have in common it’s they love to take the piss out of each other.

Funny Australian Jokes #2

The next one is a true blue Aussie love test.

Do you ever wonder who loves you? Your wife? Your dog? You think they love you, but how do you know if they really do? How can you be sure?  There is a way to find out and have peace of mind and it only takes one hour.

Simply open the boot of your car, put your dog and your wife in there, close the boot, grab a couple of beers and watch the footy on the telly for an hour or so. Then go back to the car, and open the boot.

Now, who is happy to see you?

You can see this and other Aussie jokes hereFunny Australian Jokes

Hope you liked this week’s Heaps Of jokes post. Don’t forget, sharing is caring.👍

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