Introducing My Bonza Channel

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:YouTube tips

Introducing my Bonza channel should have been my first ever YouTube video! Last month I wrote a post on how to get more YouTube subscribers. Since then I’ve grown my YouTube subscribers by a whole 28 subscribers. At this rate, it will take me another 6 months to get to that 1000 subscribers that I need to monetise my videos again. Still, as long as I get there, that’s all that counts.

Introducing My Bonza Channel 98 Videos Too Late

Since then I’ve been wracking my brains trying to work out another way to increase my YouTube subscriber base. Then it hit me. I need an introduction video! That should have been my very first YouTube video!

I spent quite a bit of time on My Bonza YouTube Video because I want it to be a showcase of my Bonza Channel. After all, that’s what introducing my Bonza channel is all about right?

Check out my video below.

Introducing my Bonza Channel video was the first time I’ve used a green screen. I’m really quite impressed with the way it turned out. Did you notice the background where I’m asking people to support me by subscribing? Sure, my big fat head is blocking most of it, but I reckon enough is showing through to give them the required message. Here’s the image minus my thick skull.

Introducing My Bonza Channel

So, what did I have in my video? Gee, I think you should go and check it out. Once you’ve done that you can let me know exactly what you thought of it. What did you like? What didn’t you like?

Also, if you did like it, I’d love it if you would give it the old thumbs up. What would be even better is if you would subscribe to my Bonza Channel? Remember, if you subscribe to my channel I’m more than happy to subscribe to yours. Just leave a comment that you did so below.

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