Update On Chitika And How It Doubled My Revenue

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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:Making Money

It has now been two months since joining Chitika and I am happy to report that the results are better than I expected. The reason for joining them was that I didn’t want to put all my eggs in one basket and so by utilizing other ad networks, such as Chitika, it would help supplement any moneys earned from Google adsense.

They actually matched Google’s revenue in the first month, and this month, whilst Google dropped by 50%, Chitika grew by 50% and my total ad revenue doubled! The beauty about Chitika is that they send money to my PayPal account every month. If you are serious about monetizing your blog, I seriously recommend you give them a go.

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What A Load Of Bullshit Paying Its Way

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  • Reading time:1 mins read
  • Post category:Opinion

I can safely say that my blog What A Load Of Bullshit is finally paying it’s way. Well actually it has been doing that for awhile because of a few benevolent advertisers, but to day I actually did my first paid post. Yep, and that is after everyone told me that no-one would pay for a post on a blog that had “Bullshit” as part of its title.

It just goes to show you how some people can actually look past the superficial coating of a blog that a name represents, and see the truly beautiful content that resides within.

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