Are You Paying The Banks More Than You Should

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post category:Making Money

I do not normally actively promote software on this blog unless I have actually had the opportunity to try it out. However, I thought I would make an exception this one time because the other night whilst watching Today Tonight on Channel 7 I saw them talking about a product that could save people with a mortgage thousands of dollars. Even though I do not have a mortgage the story piqued my interest because it resolved around banks overcharging their customers. It appears that a lot of banks were overcharging their customers and even though the amount may not be all that big, over the term of the loan it could amount to thousands of dollars!

It was discovered that only recently a major Australian bank had found they overcharged fees on 55,000 customer’s accounts! In total they had overcharged their customers a staggering $52,000,000!

The reason that many people do not pick up on these errors is because many bank statements can be difficult to read causing these errors to be missed. A program was developed, Mortgage Watchdog, and the developers of this program are so sure that you will find an error in your statements that they promise a money back guarantee if you do not find an error. Not only that, they will also offer the; ”

$250 Success Guarantee”. Find errors in your bank statements or we refund your money AND give you an additional $250 for wasting your time.

So how can you lose? If that wasn’t a good enough deal you also get the following with the Mortgage Watchdog  Deluxe Bundle.

Mortgage Watchdog software
Bonus #1 How to Pay Off Your Home Loan in No Time Flat
Bonus #2 Equity Magic – $100 Gift Certificate.
Bonus #3 Becoming Your Own Banker
Bonus #4 Selling Your Home Made Easy
Bonus #5 Real Estate With No Money Down
Bonus #6 Fixer Upper Fortunes

$ 59.00
$ 25.00
$ 25.00
$ 25.00
$ 25.00
TOTAL $457.00 Your Price: $198


As far as I know the software only works in Australia, but if I hear any different I will let you know. Don’t for a second believe banks do not make mistakes. I’ve heard a lot of news broadcasts where they have admitted to making errors, the question is not if they have or not but how much is it costing you. If you are lucky enough to find your statement is error free, not only do you get your money back but an extra $250.

Zemanta Pixie
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