Finally A Way To Really Monetize Your Blog/Website

Cool @ifroggy check out @jakrose he won your b...
Cool @ifroggy check out @jakrose he won your book at skimlinks booth @bwe09 (Photo credit: waynesutton12)

For years people have been surfing the Net in search for ways to supplement their income. A rare few have made it and so they peddle their wares increasing their fortune by collecting money from all those that are seeking to mimic their efforts Most don’t succeed, partly because they don’t have the drive and partly because conditions today are different from those of years gone by. Then there’s also the scammers who have no idea what they’re talking about but still sell their wares to unsuspecting customers.

I’ve trialled many systems in the search of online profits, some of which worked and others that didn’t. The other day I came across a site which has a huge potential to put money in my pocket and I’m going to share it with you so you will have the same opportunity. The site is called SkimLinks and what’s unique about them is they give me access to over 1800 merchants. These aren’t your no-name insignificant merchants either. Nope, they’re some of the biggest players in the world. I’ve listed just six of them for you so you can see the quality what they have to offer.

  2. ebay
  3. Target
  4. Nordstrom
  5. Canon
  6. Macy’s

As part of the SkimLinks Team you get to offer for sale products from any of their 1800+ merchants. Even better is that by sending people to their stores you have locked in the potential for making a commission from any products they purchase while there.

Let me give you an example. Imagine that you’re walking down the street and you bumped into some bloke and in the ensuing conversation you told them about the great deal you got on a digital camera at Sears. They were so happy with you they shook your hand thanking you for all your help and in doing so you imprinted a code on them. This code told the guys at Sears that you sent them and when they buy something you would get a commission for it. It doesn’t even matter if they bough a huge LCD TV of sound system instead of a camera, you would still get paid. This is Sears’ way of thanking you for sending them to their store.

This is exactly what will happen if you’re a SkimLinks Team member and someone clicks on a link on your blog or website. Take the 6 examples I left above, as well as the on linking to the camera at Sears. Each of those links are normal everyday links that link to the respective sites. There not affiliate links at all. Hover your mouse over them to see what I mean. As soon as someone clicks on them, a cookie is placed in their browser so that the store knows that you sent them there. If they make a purchase you get paid your commission! You can’t get better than that.

If you’ve been looking fo a way to make money online then you should definitely try SkimLinks. They say the way to make money online is have a product for sale. Can you imagine how many products you will have to offer with over 1800 top of the line merchants available at your finger tips?

Leave a comment if you have any questions and I will try my best to give you an answer.

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