Introducing EZ eSports Betting

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:Making Money

It’s no secret that people love their sports. It’s also no secret that more and more people are getting into sports betting. IN the old days the only way to do this for Aussies was to go to the local TAB. Or if they were at the races they had to find a bookie or to join the queue to place a bet. This meant leaving their seat and join the jostling crowds.

These days it is all so much easier because of the Internet. There are a lot of online sports betting sites that you can join. The question is which one to join? This is a very important question because not all online betting sites is the same. Some are better than others and some may be outright scams!

Luckily there is a new site called EZ eSports Betting, that has been developed, by yours truly nonetheless, whose aim is to research different online betting sites.

online sports betting

So far I’ve joined sportingbet so that I can have a punt on the AFL. I backed my favourite team, the Crows, last week and lost but I have to admit, even though I lost it made the game more exciting. lol

This week I’ve backed the Crows again. I’ve written a quick review of sportingbet with an image taken from my iPhone sportingbet app.

If you’re interested in joining the throng of people who are enjoying having a punt on their favourite sport, then you should check that post out,

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