Thesis No Longer The Theme To Strive For

I’m always on the lookout for a WordPress theme that would be a complete ‘plug and play’ package, one that would be easy to set up and one that I could easily configure and play around with so that all my blogs looked unique and different each other. It would be a bonus if it could also help with my quest to promote my affiliates in order to maximize the blogs earning potential with a minimum of effort.

I thought that Thesis was the answer but as my post on WassupBlog, called My First Impression Of The Thesis Theme, shows that it wasn’t the answer I was looking for and it outlined my disappointment in the theme.  I admit that it is was better than the majority of themes that exist but it just didn’t live up to expectations because as far as I was concerned, it didn’t do what it said it would. Take as an example the following quote.

Not a coder? Not a problem. The Thesis option panels allow you to command your site with ease, while Thesis does all of the heavy lifting behind the scenes. You’ve never had this much control over your site before, and this is precisely what makes Thesis indispensable to critical webmasters all over the globe

After reading that I bought the theme thinking that now I would finally have complete control over how my blog would look. Now don’t get me wrong it did give me a lot more control than a lot of other themes, but as far as being a complete ‘plug and play’ package I found it sorely lacking. Naturally if you are a bit of a geek and like playing around with codes and things you can do a lot more with Thesis than other themes, but I, like a lot of other bloggers out there, am completely clueless when it comes to coding and I need a theme that is almost completely mouse driven. I need a truly flexible theme.

Well, I searched far and wide until finally I found what I consider to be the ultimate theme, the FlexSqueeze Theme! Once installed you simply go to the Theme  Option page and follow all the instructions. You can change almost every facet of the theme from the width of the theme to the width of your post content to your sidebars. The following is just some of the things that you can do with this theme.

  • It’s very own image up-loader! Any image you want to incorporate into your new theme can be uploaded easily into the theme’s own image directory.
  • Add AdSense with ease! Easily insert AdSense ads in 5 different locations with point-and-click ease from the theme options page!
  • New Built In Squeeze Page Capability! The theme comes with ‘squeeze page’ template that you can easily adapt to make it your very own professional looking Squeeze Page. This can make your affiliates sales go through the roof. This is a sample of the generic squeeze page template that I’ve posted on my Blogsire Blog.
  • Custom Headers! Choose from the custom headers or upload your own.
  • Threaded Comments Actually Work! Theme is WordPress 2.7 threaded comment ready, just activate it from the admin panel.
  • Very Own Color Picker! There is no need to know any of the colorcolor-picker codes as it comes with it’s own color picker. Just select the option you want to change and then with total mouse control you can choose the color of your choice. Even after you choose your global theme color you can manipulate it even more to suit your needs. Change the background color or image, the sidebar color, the color of your links, titles, honestly there are a whole lot of choices available

Honestly I could go on and on, but there are so many choices it would take way more time than I have available and my wife would drag me out by my ear lobes if I spend too much longer in this room. The thing is that this theme does it all, and if you have multiple blogs, just like yours truly, the FlexSqueeze Theme will make sure that every blog has it’s own uniqueness so you will no longer have to have multiple themes. Just have a look at the following blogs to see what I mean.

SBizzTech, Wassupblog, Well Blog Me, Photos2Blog and Scenic Adelaide. The changes could have been even more dramatic but I haven’t had the time to truly try all the features. You may notice though that you can choose from different search boxes as well as RSS icons. You may also notice that the header and footer are displaying the same affiliates. You can either display the special header or footer complete with your own affiliate links or you can go to the widget section of your dashboard to select whatever plugins you want to display. Yep, you heard right, with this theme you can install plugins into 5 diferent areas, the two sidebars, the footer, feature top, and top sidebar.

If there is something that you want to know about the capabilities of the FlexSqueeze Theme just leave a comment and I will see what I can find.

Oh, I almost forgot, how much will it cost? The cost factor is another area where it beats the Thesis Theme hands down. With Thesis you are looking at either the personal or developers option which will cost you $89 or $164 respectively. With FlexSqueeze Theme you can go for;

  1. The single use version at $49.99 reduced from $69.99 till the end of March!
  2. The multi use version at $129.99, which is what I opted for.
  3. The developer version at $299.99 which could be a real money spinner if you have the time as,  according to the author;

The developer version of FlexSqueeze allows you to build client sites using FlexSqueeze and charge them for it! How cool is that? If you’re a web designer with a need for custom client blogs, there is no theme in the world that allows you to build a faster blog than FlexSqueeze!

Sorry, if I you think I am frothing at the mouth at the moment, but honestly it’s not often that I get holf of an affiliate that I am truly exited about, and believe me, once you try it there is no looking back.

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