The Importance Of A Positive Outlook

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Same Day, Different Shit album cover
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I come into contact with a lot of people on a daily basis because of my job and I am surprised how many of them get up in the mornings with what must be the wrong outlook on life. You can see that they just don’t want to be where they are and it’s unfortunate because if you start your day off this way I hate to think how they must feel at the end of it.

The problem is that their attitude is more than likely the catalyst to a crummy day. If you get up thinking it’s going to be bad then that is exactly how it’s going to turn out and you have no-one to blame but yourself. The problem is compounded in the way you treat others, because of your inner turmoil, who will in turn react the same way to you.

People should really wake up every morning wondering what the new day will bring, rather than the ‘shit I have to go to work again’ and hating it attitude. If you think it’s going to be a shit day from the beginning then it will more than likely turn out that way.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mitch

    You’re absolutely right, Sire, and I say this type of thing all the time. Of course, I’m guilty of it also, as it pertains to my Mondays, which I always seem to hate. So, I’m going to have to learn how to change my mindset for Mondays.

  2. Sire

    You know Mitch I reckon I am the same as everyone else in hating Mondays and sometimes hating the thought of going to work. The difference is that once at work I don’t portray the dislike for being there to everyone. I’m smiling and putting on a happy persona to everyone. After all, why should I bring others down with a shitty outlook, and after awhile everything is sweet.

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