The Modern World Invades A Fairy Tale

Sleeping Beauty, Tom Thumb and Don Juan are having an awful argument. It went something like this.

Sleeping Beauty; I am the most beautiful person in the world!

Don Juan & Tom Thumb: No you are not.

Tom Thumb; I am the smallest person in the world!

Sleeping Beauty & Don Juan: No you are not.

Don Juan; I have had more lovers that anyone else in the world!

Sleeping Beauty & Tom Thumb; No you have not.

There was no way they were going to agree with anyone so they decided to go to Merlin to mediate for them.

Sleeping Beauty goes in first and comes out a minute later pleased as punch.

“I am the most beautiful person in the world because Merlin says so.

Tom Thumb then goes in and comes out almost instantly, happy as Larry and says; “Merlin agrees that I am the smallest person in the world.

In goes Don Juan and he doesn’t come out for hours. When he does finally come out he is clearly upset and they heard him gasping; “Who the hell is Bill Clinton?”

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