WordPress Plugin That Will Give You A Passive Income

I reckon you all know how much I love my WordPress plugins and that it’s usually because they make blogging so much easier, well I have come across one that goes a step further. It helps me to increase my blogging revenue.

It’s called the Kontera WordPress Plugin but for it to actually generate income for you you need to join the Kontera ContentLinkssite. Personally I am making about 10% of my adsense revenue but what I am making is peanuts compared to Jim Karter’s Blogwho hopes to crack the $5000 dollars this month. I mean that what he hopes to earn this month alone and not his total earning since joining Kontera. Last month he did more than $4000! Man if only I get to make that much one day.

The way Kontera ContentLinks works is, once your a member and you have added the code to you blog or site, Kontera will find contextually relevant keywords on your site and automatically matches them to relevant ads. These words then become active links, in the color of your choice, to advertisers sites.  Anyone who hovers the mouse pointer over the link is shown information about that link and then if they click on it they will be taken to that site and you earn money.

It’s especially great for the paid blogger as it let’s you pick which categories you want the plugin to place the content links so that you can disable it for your paid posts.