A Fantastic Permalinks Plugin For WordPress

When I first started this blog I used the default permalink structure which gave me the following type of link http://www.blogsire.com/SBizzTech/?p=123 which is all well and good but it does not help in attaining a high PR and is also a veritable pain in the arse when trying to work out which post the link is pointing to. I thought about changing the permalink structure within wordpress hoping that it would only take effect from any new posts. Unfortunately it meant that all pages indexed by search engines would become invalid and I would also lose all those links that were already linking to me.

I thought my only solution would be a plugin and after a long search I found Permalinks Migration Plugin For WordPress which turned out to be perfect. What the plugin does is it allows you to change your permalink and activates what is called a “301 Redirect”, which tells the search engines that your pages have moved and redirects them to your new page so that there is no loss of traffic and a greater potential for a higher pagerank.

Installation is simple but configuration was a bit of a pain simply because I used the default WordPress setting and there was no instructions as to what code to insert when using the default setting.

Once you have downloaded the file, you upload it to your plugin directory then;

  1. Goto admin panel->options->PermalinksMigration.set the old permanlink structure of your site. If you use the default setting enter this code as I did enter  /%post_id%/
  2. Goto admin panel->options->Permalinks.change the new permalink structure to what you want. (I use /%category%/%postname%/)
  3. That’s about it. I hope it works for you.

Now all I have to do is sit back and enjoy the new permalink structure.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. advice

    Worked 1st time thanks!

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