A Priest And The Confessions Of Adultery

It must be pretty bad being a priest and hearing the same confessions every day, and no matter the penance they keep re-offending. One Sunday the Priest blurts out in his sermon, “If I hear one more person confess to adultery, I’m leaving this parish and you can all go to hell”.

The thing is that everybody likes this priest so they get together and devise a code code word for adultery. From now on, anybody who commits adultery and goes to confession they will say they ‘have fallen’. This make the priest happy, thinking that the sermon must have done the trick and everybody continued the ruse until his death.

Not long after the new priest arrives, he pays a visit to the town Mayor and in a concerned voice says, “Mayor, you just have to do something about the paths is this town. When people come to confession they keep talking about having fallen.”

The Mayor starts to laugh, realising that the priest doesn’t know about the code word.

The priest shakes a finger at the Mayor and says, “I don’t know why you’re laughing, your wife fell three times this week!”