Blog Your Way To More Cash With

Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about sourcing out new companies that will pay you guys to blog for them. You have to cut me some slack, I mean I have to make money as well. Anyway, I have discovered another site that loves to supply tasks for bloggers so that they can increase their bank account. It’s called and you will get paid to write honest reviews about their advertiser’s products and services.

The way it works is you go to the “Find Advertisers” page and scroll though the list of tasks. Most tasks have a pay range next to them. Once you have selected the task you put in a bid for the job. Once you have entered the bid you get shown your cut. You then sit back and wait for the advertiser to either accept or decline your offer. If you get rejected you can submit a lower offer.

The higher your blog is ranked the more you can ask. So keep plugging away at increasing your PR.