Blogsire Supports The Commentluv WordPress Plug-In

I am trying another WordPress plug-in to see if it will generate more comments. Generally, when you comment on a blog your comment is not seen by the search engines because most blogs use the ‘no follow’ tags. With the commentluv plug-in installed not only is your comment seen by search engines, it will also link to the last post on your blog. Neat huh?

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. silken

    you mean when I leave a comment here it is linked to MY last blog post??

  2. Sire

    That is what normally happens, but you have to make sure that the url to your blog is filled in.

  3. silken

    ok, that is pretty cool! I will have to try to check that out. right now I am just spending bare minimum time on my blogs, but this sounds like a good addition to look into!

    silken’s last blog post..Did You Know My Race Results?

  4. Jagdu

    Awesome! I really like the SezWho plugin as well. Where did that come from? :clap_tb:

    Jagdu’s last blog post..Buy a New Car in Fresno

  5. Sire

    Hi, I suppose it is all relative to the amount of visitors you get as the more visits the more potential for commentluv to do its job.

  6. g.olson

    There are 3 kinds of people in this world.
    People that make things happen! 🙂
    People that watch things happen…and
    Those poor souls that wonder what happened

  7. streaming tv shows

    I think commentluv is a great system. It encourages people to leave comments which adds value to your blog in the search engines. Well put. Thanks.

    streaming tv shows’s last blog post..Watch Psych TV Show Free Online

  8. Sire

    Ah, but is that why you left a comment, or was it just my animal magnetism? lol

  9. A P

    Hi Sire,

    How is it going for you? Have you found that your comments have increased and if yes, are they usually good value or do people try to scam a link just for the sake of it?

    I am considering using this plugin but am not sure whether it is really that good.


  10. Sire

    I find that the plugin has increased my comment and there is very little spam. If you are really worried about spam, perhaps you should incorporate a Comment Policy.

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