General Tips On Blogging!

TweetScribe Me A Bloggers Dream Come True

I want to talk to you about a new Twitter application that is going to rock your Tweeting world. This is something that all aspiring bloggers will want to get their teeth into. The application was the brain child of Stratos of and it is with great pleasure that I bring to you a new WordPress plugin called Tweetscribe Me. I am so impressed with this plugin that I am actually going to make a small donation to the bloke who developed it as I think it is well deserved.

In a nutshell, what the plugin does is it allows you to get DM’d (that’s a Direct Message) via Twitter every time someone that you have subscribed to publishes a new post. Naturally they also get DM’d eveytime you publish a new post. Can you see the potential? I certainly did which is why I was the first one to test out this great plugin.

I know that you are probably thinking that this is the same as Tweet My Blog, but it isn’t as that plugin only sends out a general tweet to your followers, who if are not on line generally never get to see it. Tweetscribe Me will email them directly, DM them or both depending how you set it up. There is no way anyone can miss out on updates from any of the bloggers they have subscribed too. This is so much better than RSS readers as once again you have to physically run your RSS reader just to see what folks have been up to.

So, how do you get into the action? Man I am so glad you asked, because this Aussie blogger is just bustin at the seems to let everyone know how they can get instant tweeting gratification. Man, it’s almost
better than
sex. I did say almost.
:laugh_tb: OK, Just follow the these steps in the order that I’ve presented them. This is very important.

  1. You have to follow twscribe, because if you don’t it won’t work.
  2. Download the Tweetscribe Me plugin and install it to your WordPress Blog.
  3. Activate the plugin and then got to the plugin settings where you fill in your Twitter user name and password and click the save button.
  4. Go to the Tweetscribe Me site and log in, once again with your Twitter details.

That’s all there is to it. Check out the enlisted blogs to find out who else is using the TweetScribe Me and subscribe to those you want to follow. You will be notified when someone subscribes to you and even when they unsubscribe. This is so much
better than
feedburner and the like because you can actually see who is following you. You can even display the amount of people following you by pasting a code into your sidebar. You can see mine on the right sidebar under the ‘Plug This Blog’ heading

At the moment members are few as this is brand spanking new, so we really need to get folks interested in it.  So I am looking for you guys to join up as this is going to revolutionize the way we utilize Twitter. Tell everyone you know about it so that we can really get this going. The more members we have the greater selection of bloggers to choose from.

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Good Blogging Habits!

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:Blogging Tips

A serious blogger should develop good blogging habits in order to obtain and keep a good readership. The following are the main ones I like to adhere to.

  1. Make Your Topic Interesting! This is important as you need to grab peoples attention so that they take the time to stop and read your post. This goes hand in hand with a catchy title. 
  2. The Importance Of The First Paragraph! You don’t want to lose them after dangling the bait with an uninformative boring 1st. paragraph. The first paragraph should be inviting. This is also a flow on of #1 because once you have grabbed their attention they will begin to read the first few words that you have posted. If they do not find them inviting enough, then why would they take the bait read the rest of your blog.
  3. The Post Should Invite Comment. This is extremely important because the more comments you get then the more important your blog looks. People usually check out to see how many comments are attached to the post. If yours has a lot of comments, they will wonder why and then if the first 2 didn’t work, the curiosity will.
  4. Be Honest And Sincere. Honesty is definitely the best policy. If you lie in your post or use subterfuge, sooner or later you will get caught out and will be shunned by the blogger community. If the purpose of your post is to promote an affiliate or an other venture state it clearly and don’t try to trick people into clicking on a link.
  5. Quality Not Quantity. Doing more than one post a day, though it may be good for exposure it could well turn people away from your blog. Everyone has a busy lifestyle and may not want to keep up with all your posts. It’s is better to take the time to do quality posts, even if it means every other day, rather than a lot of sloppy ones.
  6. Punctuation And Grammar. With the advent of spell checking software it doesn’t take long to check your posts and make sure it’s up to scratch. If you are not going to take the time to do this why would someone waste their time reading it.

Well Blog Me!

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BlogSire Now Running Heaps Faster

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:Blogging Tips

It seems that I was using some plugin or other that was chewing up a lot of CPU on the server that hosts this blog, and as this is a shared host it’s not allowed as it would affect other users. My blog host, LunarPages could have done what a lot of hosts do in that situation, they could have suspended my blogs until I had sorted out the problem. Instead they moved be to another host so that I could try and find the problem.

The trouble is that I am not a technical type of person and so the only thing I could do was remove a whole heap of plugins and follow some of their techies suggestions. I think we have almost resolved the issue, and the result is a leaner meaner fast loading blog. I hope that you notice the changes on your end.

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