Do You Want To Be A Paid Blogger Or Do You Want A Good PR

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That’s right my good blogging buddies, Google has given you a choice, you can either be good little bloggers by not buying or selling links and hopefully get a good Page Rank or you can accept money for posts and get your arse kicked by way of losing your PR! It’s all in their “Google Webmaster Central Blog

It tells you how to stay within their guidelines and everything, but unfortunately from reading their post you will learn that you can’t keep Google happy and be paid for your posts. So you see you have a choice to make, on the one hand you can make a fair bit of cash, and on the other you lose your PR.

Now I understand that Google wants to keep their search results ‘pure’ but with today’s technology there should be a way of factoring in paid posts. I think that responsible bloggers should not be penalized for taking paid assignments. I myself include all paid posts in a ‘sponsored’ category so that my readers know I have been paid for my opinion and can act accordingly.

In regards to doing paid posts, I would suggest that if yours is a serious blog and your PR is important to you perhaps you would want to bow down and grovel to the Google gods, as for myself I will not be groveling to them and I will continue to do whatever paid posts that come my way. I believe that doing paid posts is a great profession and that it is only a matter of time before there is another system that rates bloggers that in not dependent on Goggles’ PR.

Oh, and just as an afterthought, I would like to add that I think is hypocritical of Google to penalize bloggers when they are quite prepared to run sponsored ads themselves.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Sire

    Grazia mia bella Hanna

  2. PINK

    Can you explain more about the making money on google. I will so happy

  3. Fanatika

    Does that mean there’s absolutely no way to increase PR (or even get one, damn I don’t have a PR!) while doing paid assignments? See, this puts me in a lot of trouble..the only way I get to do more paid assignments is when my blog has a PR of atleast 2.
    Fanatikas last blog post..Google AdSense for charity

  4. Sire

    I suggest taking all banners off of your blog that suggest you do paid posts. Make sure your disclosure statement is not a generic one as google may pick up on this. Better to have a more personal one anyway.

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