Get CommentLuv Premium Before Time Runs Out

Every good blogger knows that the plugin to have if you want to attract comments is definitely  CommentLuv! If this wasn’t true there wouldn’t be some 600,000 bloggers who use it. Most people would know by now that Andy has been about to release a premium version of the plugin. I wrote about the main features in my post CommentLuv Premium Adding To Revenue Stream. Buying it now, while Andy is releasing it at an unbelievable price for a limited time is definitely the way to go. Miss out on it now and you will never forgive yourself.

Price isn’t the only reason you should buy it now. Nope the main reason for buying it before the Tuesday deadline is because Andy is releasing the unlimited developer license for only $40! Having a developer license means you can install it on as many blogs as you own. After the seven day trial period ends you will pay more and you will have to buy a separate one for every blog you own. If you have as many blogs as I do that will cost you quite a bit. Now, I’m not going to rave on about how good CommentLuv is or about how unbelievable this deal really is. Nope, the man to do that is Andy Bailey himself.

CommentLuv Premium Developers License Available Now For A Very Low Price

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