Give Your Blog It’s Own News Room!


I have just discovered another way for bloggers to not only make money but to also have the opportunity to find unique content for their blogs. You can have content that changes daily and provides their readers with up to date news worthy topics. Can’t be done you reckon? Well it is so easy that all you have to do to have your very own News Room is to click on this link.

The News Room is a must for all serious bloggers, especially those who want to make money. All you need to do is to join, that is totally free, and search the site for the news story that interests you. TheNewsRoom provides access to hundreds of thousands of fully licensed news stories that can be published, or mashed, onto your site. By mashing content from major content providers, such as Associated Press (AP), Reuters, and Agence France-Press (AFP) you get the most up to date news stories. You can then write your own little piece about the news topic you have chosen. Here is an example.

Yeah I know, your still wanting to hear about the money side of things. Gee you bloggers are a greedy lot J. Once you imbed the code that provides the news feed, it also comes with advertising. You will begin to earn revenue each time the mashed news is viewed on your blog. It gets better because other people can mash the news on your blog and paste it on theirs and you earn money from those viewings as well.
So you see guys, it is a win, win situation for all bloggers, great content and money to boot.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Sire

    What would you like to know my Kiwi Mate?

  2. kimberleyanne

    I signed up and chose a story I’d like to mash, however I am having trouble putting it on my WordPress blog. Any tips?

  3. Sire

    I just cut and paste and it works fine. I assume your blog is not on it’s own domain. I’ve heard that do not accept certain codes and that could be your problem. Sorry I wasn’t much help. 🙁

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