Good Blogging Habits!

A serious blogger should develop good blogging habits in order to obtain and keep a good readership. The following are the main ones I like to adhere to.

  1. Make Your Topic Interesting! This is important as you need to grab peoples attention so that they take the time to stop and read your post. This goes hand in hand with a catchy title. 
  2. The Importance Of The First Paragraph! You don’t want to lose them after dangling the bait with an uninformative boring 1st. paragraph. The first paragraph should be inviting. This is also a flow on of #1 because once you have grabbed their attention they will begin to read the first few words that you have posted. If they do not find them inviting enough, then why would they take the bait read the rest of your blog.
  3. The Post Should Invite Comment. This is extremely important because the more comments you get then the more important your blog looks. People usually check out to see how many comments are attached to the post. If yours has a lot of comments, they will wonder why and then if the first 2 didn’t work, the curiosity will.
  4. Be Honest And Sincere. Honesty is definitely the best policy. If you lie in your post or use subterfuge, sooner or later you will get caught out and will be shunned by the blogger community. If the purpose of your post is to promote an affiliate or an other venture state it clearly and don’t try to trick people into clicking on a link.
  5. Quality Not Quantity. Doing more than one post a day, though it may be good for exposure it could well turn people away from your blog. Everyone has a busy lifestyle and may not want to keep up with all your posts. It’s is better to take the time to do quality posts, even if it means every other day, rather than a lot of sloppy ones.
  6. Punctuation And Grammar. With the advent of spell checking software it doesn’t take long to check your posts and make sure it’s up to scratch. If you are not going to take the time to do this why would someone waste their time reading it.

Well Blog Me!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Clarissa

    Hi there,

    I just wanted to let you know how good your blog is and I appreciate the tips on blogging. I have also read your post on payperpost and am afraid I can’t do that yet because my blog is only about a month old. But I have your blog bookmarked and will come back to it when it is time to sign up with payperpost. I wish I knew about blogs before this. I love to write as it is and am already on probationary status with Blogsvertise since my blog is fairly new. They only require you to have a 60 day old blog and have already let me do to tasks. Anyway this is something I love to do and I can’t wait to do it full time! I found your blog on Mylot by the way and just wanted to say thank you for having such an informative blog. 🙂 Here is my blog if you would like to check it out. Feel free to leave me a comment and let me know what you think. If you have any advice please share. I will be visiting your blog regularly because I know I will learn a lot from it. Thanks. 🙂


  2. sire

    Thanks so much for your lovely comment Clarissa. I have a gamesite where membership is free. Once a member you can add a link to your blog here. You can even access the forum, which is still in it’s early stages but I’m hoping it will grow. It has an area especially devoted to bloggers. A link from your blog to here would be nice but only if you want to.

  3. Mitch

    Man Sire, how you attract the ladies! lol

    Of course, my favorite is #4, Not because you misspelled “definitely”, but because if one isn’t honest, you can read it and tell it and feel it, and then you don’t care and never want to go back.

    Oh yeah, you misspelled “definitely”. ;-P

  4. Sire

    Yeah, it’s my Aussie charm, and of course you know I leave those spelling mistakes just for you, as I know how much you love sticking it to old Sire. 😀

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