How Important Is A Linking Strategy

For bloggers and webmasters alike, a good linking strategy is one of the most important SEO tactics they can utilize. The reason for this is that search engines, such as Goolge and Yahoo etc., rate the popularity of websites and blogs by the amount of links linking to them. The spiders crawl from link to link storing the information in their database so it is imperative that a good reciprocal linking strategy is developed.

This is relatively easy for webmasters as the majority of them host their sites on their own domain and can make use of linking software. For bloggers, this is a little more difficult. Sure they can include links in their blogrolls but they are limited by the amount of links they can keep. Too big a blogroll definitely wrecks the appearance of the blog. I have come up with an idea that bloggers who don’t have their own domain can use as part of the link strategy.

The way it works is you start a post (call it what you will as long as it shows people your intention) with a description that describes the linking strategy. You would then trade with other bloggers wishing to exchange links. The beauty is you have total control so you can pick and choose whom you wish to exchange links with. They can let you know their intent by leaving a comment or you could leave an email address. I have started one HERE for anyone who is interested.