Is Man The Cause Of Global Warming?

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I have wondered for a while now how responsible man really is for global warming. Now I am not arguing that man is not at fault for slowly contaminating this lovely planet of ours with pollutants both in the air and in our waterways. I also agree that we on a global scale should be cutting back on what we are spewing into the atmosphere, on our landfill and the way we are wasting our natural recourses.

Still I just wonder if all this is the cause of global warming or is it just another growing phase that the Earth is going through. There is so much in the media stating that global warming is causing the ice caps to melt which in turn is making the seas rise and that we are all soon to be doomed to a marine life (ok a bit of an exaggeration) but is it our fault?

I mean wasn’t the planet covered in ice at one stage and then the ice melted as the earth warmed. Certainly there weren’t any pollutants spewing into the air then. And isn’t it true that the ice caps have always been slowly melting and that the seas have been rising slowly for thousands of years?

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. 2catdave

    Don’t know exactly why i chose this one to comment on but i wanted to leave here having at least said something…nice post. I agree there is something going on and i believe people alot smarter than myself created the problem and i hope they are for one time smart enough to solve some of the problems you mentioned. :thumbup_tb: Best to ya friend!

  2. sire

    Thanks for dropping in mate. You should join my Top Blogs register.

  3. 2catdave

    Thank you ‘aussie friend’ for taking the time to answer. I used one of your other post links to paidperpost and registered there the $7.50 link. Thanks for that one. I will look at the others as time allows. I seem to have a little more time now as B.F. is down these past few days. BTY sire…2cat

  4. sire

    It’s a damn shame about blogfeast. I hope they come online again soon.

  5. 2catdave

    Yeah it is a shame for sure about B.F. sire. If it is not just me, than as of today’s date and hour it is still down. I don’t know what the problem is but I sure would like to see them get it up and running well again.

    I hope your Easter weekend was enjoyed by all there. Have a great day and an even better one on the ‘morrow sire.

    2cat~If I become a BlogSire~pest~ let me know. :smile2_ee:

  6. sire

    Thanks for the greeting, and you could never be a pest. I appreciate you dropping in.

    We should do the blog hopping thing together. :drunk_tb:

  7. 2catdave

    Great! That just might be do-able sire, as soon as I get the mrs. on the mend I’m gonna’ be all over it. I don’t know how long that may take though, as alot more doctor visits and tests are immediately in the future.

    I may just drop another comment somewhere else here my from “down under” friend and hit a few more of your sponsor links for now.

    About the global warming, if the oceans rise because of global warming and some really inventive person should develop a combustion engine that runs on salty ocean water…hummmm, he or she might become a really helpful and rich dude or dude-et huh???…fuel for thought there maybe???

    Adios~ 2cat.

  8. sire

    You look after the missus mate. That is your first priority. Once shes cool, then you can devote your time elsewhere.

    As for the engine idea, how far have you got? Are you looking for investors? :question_ee:

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