BlogSire Now Running Heaps Faster

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:Blogging Tips

It seems that I was using some plugin or other that was chewing up a lot of CPU on the server that hosts this blog, and as this is a shared host it’s not allowed as it would affect other users. My blog host, LunarPages could have done what a lot of hosts do in that situation, they could have suspended my blogs until I had sorted out the problem. Instead they moved be to another host so that I could try and find the problem.

The trouble is that I am not a technical type of person and so the only thing I could do was remove a whole heap of plugins and follow some of their techies suggestions. I think we have almost resolved the issue, and the result is a leaner meaner fast loading blog. I hope that you notice the changes on your end.

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